ec′o·log′i·cal (ĕk′ə-lŏj′ĭ-kəl), ec′o·log′ic (-ĭk) adj.
1873, oecology, "branch of science dealing with the relationship of living things to their environments," coined in German by German zoologist Ernst Haeckel as Ökologie, from Greek oikos "house, dwelling place, habitation" (from PIE root *weik- (1) "clan") + -logia "study of" (see -logy). In use with reference to anti-pollution activities from 1960s.
material spiritual commons
Contemplating COVID-19 within the context of the sixth mass extinction, we look to both our local ecological crisis, as well as the text "Enlivenment" by Andreas Weber, to acknowledge "the ideology of death" that has brought us into this situation - and to consider other ways of being.
- ee portal
Establishing environments that have defined parameters allows for a specific framework of conversation to take place. This is not intended to limit other dialogue but instead to offer a way of communicating on set terms within a set scope of understanding. As with establishing any system, intentions for usage cannot provide fail-safe mechanisms that work for all communities. A micro-context establishes what is present and what is not which can be employed as a manner of protecting a community or excluding another.
a brief study of fire
Reflecting on moments when I have burned things. These times become both instances of loss and creation. Fire gives as much as it takes but it can take as much as it can get. Burning things is permanent, I can replace the object with another but they are not the same. Fire is part of a cycle of life reducing things to ash and then offering warmth and nutrients back to the soil.
- Clayton Windatt
eco SOS (COVID-19)
ethical dilemmas of each texture, fibre, brush & pigment…
sustainably harvested
small batch processed
plant & minerals
hand-mixed to produce ecoSOS
…travelled a great fossil fuelled distance to me…
inside cultural ecocide
greed, development & encroachment…
not only within the Yunnan province of China where horseshoe bats reside…
but also from my Northern Ontario nickel city
- tailings ponds central -
nestled within global exploitation
causing this contemporary biodiversity extinction …
- Elyse Portal
I wanted to post a high-resolution version of this film here. I have been working in low-res for so long but this one became something I wanted to show off in HD. Inspired by all the times when movies confused people. I think about returning from a digital world to one more physical and natural. Not complicated.
Oak Entanglements
oak entanglements is a sensual, interspecies poetics within the globally rare, bur oak savannah on Manitoulin Island.
- ee portal
We went for a walk to get the mail a few weeks ago, along the outcropping of Canadian Shield at the edge of our property. The juniper berries were gone, and the lone oak tree had shed most of its leaves. It was a grey day, but there was a flash of red among the lichens and mosses on the rock.
British soldiers, perhaps.
It’s amazing to think of how much richness, diversity, and beauty can be found in our own backyards.
-Tara Windatt